
how to make a Button Reply Comments in Blogspot

Button countered's comments probably very needed by partially pal Blogger, in order to accelerate reply against comments-comments which incoming in Blognya. Well in this occasion I would like to share the reply button again to put a comment on Blogspot. Actually, many still back the model and the available positions and some have already posted by other Blogger friends. I think the reply to a comment like this on my blog, the most appropriate and suitable buddy pairs in the Blog buddy. In addition to looking good is also very easy to install on the Blog.

1). Please login to Blogger with pal account

2). The draft then goes to the page ==> Edit HTML and check Expand Widget Templates box. Perform Back Up first on the blog template, just in case of failure of the procession, so my friend can instantly restore Blog template as before.

3). Further search and get the code below! (When the hard look for it use the search facility with pressing the button Control + F3 on the keyboard)
<dd class='comment-footer'>

4). Having met the code above, then place the following code directly below.
<A expr: href = '"& postID https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=BLOG BOYFRIEND ID =" + data: post.id + "& isPopup = true & postBody = % 40% 3C% 61% 20% 68% 72% 65% 66% 3D% 22% 23 "+ data: comment.anchorName +"% 22% 3E "+ data: comment.author +"% 3C% 2F % 61% 3E # form "" onclick = "javascript: window.open (this.href, 'bloggerPopup", "toolbar = 0, location = 0, statusbar = 1, menubar = 0, scrollbars = yes, width = 450, height = 450 ") return false;"> <img alt = 'Reply To This Comment'

5). Do not forget to change the ID Code Blog BLOG ID pal (Blog ID codes visible on the Internet Browser when my friend to post / edit HTML on the dashboard).

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