
Optimal Windows XP Secrets by Empty Hands

Windows XP operating system has many features and components embedded in the operating system. But some features, but it did not need to use Windows XP to load it into the computer system.Run services.msc (Windows XP default module)
Windows XP do the loading of the module is a complete program in order to freshen up the operating system user is always readily available. Unfortunately not everyone need a program module that diloading of Default WinXP system. In addition to resource consuming memory for the first time a module is executed when the computer work, sometimes even making the Windows operating system becomes a little slower.
Features that are not necessary program module can be disabled through services.msc facilities.
Here's how:
Log into the Start and Run and type "services.msc". Next will come a list of service from the program module that defaults always diloading by Windows XP. To turn off Windows service module, the second picture you see on the list of programs and STATUS. At the status list, you can see if the program Module Windows XP is always running when the first Windows to work, or automatically when needed and the last new work is not executed at all (Disable)
Below is a list of Windows components by default diloading but may not be necessary for some requirement (Source Techtree)
Computer BrowserThis module is to monitor the list of computers connected to the network Network. Computer Browser Module can be turned off when you are using a computer at home without being connected to the network / LAN.
Distributed Link Tracking ClientThis module is enabled to monitor the relationship between NTFS files within the computer itself or jaringn network with a domain name. Function module is only needed if someone needs a link to another computer in a file. Not all people need links to and from your computer to a file and you can turn off (Disable).
Error Reporting ServiceError Reporting Service module function is to provide a report when Windows XP disturbed. This function is not useful and can be at Disable.
Help and SupportGet support files by pressing F1 to activate. Are you quite often do and read the help file from Windows?, Turn off this feature.
Indexing ServiceIndexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers aims to accelerate access to files antiran a flexible manner. Service is not required.
Net LogonSupports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain. When you connect to a network and a domain. This feature is required, but if you only use the computer alone and do not have a domain. This feature can be turned off.
NetMeeting Remote Desktop SharingThis feature is to provide access to your computer via the Intranet network via Netmeeting. If you are not willing to give access to others, especially by way of Remote into your computer. This feature should be turned off.
Network Location Awareness (NLA)This module is to record and store a list of network configuration and location information. This function does not help, and can be turned off.
Network Provisioning ServiceManages XML configuration files on a domain basis for automatic network provisioning. Not required for home computer and network systems simple. Feature can be turned off.
Performance Logs and AlertsFeature module to record the performance of computer and other activities are recorded in a file (log file). You do not need to bother with the performance of your Windows system, turn it off because it is not much use for stand-alone.
Portable Media Serial Number ServiceRetrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. Function module is not useful and only intended for Windows Media based / compatible ("PlaysForSure") portable. MP3 users do not need this feature and should be turned off.
QoS RSVPProvides network signaling and control delivery of the local traffic. Function module with the concept of providing greater bandwidth to application requirements. In fact this function is not too affected. Option can be turned off or remain in use.
Remote Desktop Help Session ManagerManages and controls Remote Assistance. For what its function is unknown, Remote Assistance can be received. Or not required and can be turned off.
Remote RegistryAuthorized remote users to modify the registry on a computer. Should be turned off.
Security CenterMonitors system security settings and configurations. "Pop Up Displays when the firewall down, Anti-virus has been out o date or deliberately turned off the Windows update.If you always monitor the 3 functions above, this feature can dimatikan.Karena Security function center not only monitor and supervise the prevention and better direct your safety program.
ServerSupport file server such as printers, file sharing or share in the network. May not be needed, if you do not share between computers within the network. This feature can be turned off.
Smart CardManages access to smart cards read by this computer. You use the Smart Card in your computer. If not should be turned off.
SSDP Discovery ServiceEnables discovery of UPnP devices on your home network. "Windows will monitor other hardware with Plug and Play system. This function can be turned off when you no longer add any other device or hardware that you use is permanent. But if you are using a lot of hardware should remain enabled this feature.
System Restore ServicePerforms system restore functions. Windows can restore your Windows system with restore backups performed when the set point. By enabling system restore will be easier to restore Windows in case of malfunction and crash and restore Windows XP to the time you do a backup.There is an opinion, restore system remains activated due to more quickly restore Windows systems such as set point last. Unfortunately, these systems take on storage space. The advantage, you can quickly restore the WinXP system problematicThe choice is between your needs whether using system restore to restore Windows to determination of the set point you make. Or turn off (Disable) but with the risk, if there is a crash on Windows you have to repeat the install again. Advantage, you get a larger storage space.
TCP / IP NetBIOS HelperProvides user experience theme management support for NetBIOS over TCP / IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution. Turn off if you do not need NetBIOS to network.
ThemesProvides user experience theme management. For performance reasons, such as the display interface Win2000. This feature can be run through the Desktop Properties. So there's no reason this module is loaded. You can turn off this feature.
Uninterruptible Power SupplyManages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer. It's obvious when you are using UPS function requires this functionality, this feature is specific only to the UPS connected to a computer via the COM port. If not, can be deadly.
Wireless Zero ConfigurationProvide automated functionality to wireless network adapter. If you do not have WIFI devices can be turned off.
WMI Performance AdapterProvides performance library information from WMI providers HiPerf. It is unclear to what, and can be turned off.
WorkstationCreates and maintains client network connections to remote servers. If you are using file sharing within the network, leave this function still works. If you do not use the sharing features of your computer and stand alone / stand alone. This feature can be turned off and not affect the internet connection.
Bahasa Indonesia

Rahasia Optimal Windows XP dengan Tangan Kosong
Sistem operasi Windows XP memiliki banyak fitur dan komponen tertanam dalam sistem operasi. Tetapi beberapa fitur ternyata tidak perlu digunakan tetapi Windows XP tetap melakukan loading kedalam sistem computer.

Run Service.msc (module default Windows XP)

Windows XP melakukan loading dari module program yang lengkap dengan tujuan untuk menyamankan pemakai sistem operasi selalu siap tersedia. Sayangnya tidak semua orang membutuhkan module program yang diloading dari sistem Default WinXP. Selain memakan resource memory karena module dijalankan pertama kali ketika computer bekerja, terkadang malah membuat sistem operasi Windows menjadi sedikit lebih lambat.

Fitur module program yang tidak diperlu dapat dimatikan melalui fasilitas SERVICE.MSC.


Masuk ke bagian Start dan Run serta ketik “service.msc”. Selanjutnya akan muncul daftar service dari program module yang defaultnya selalu diloading oleh Windows XP. Untuk mematikan service module Windows, pada gambar kedua anda melihat pada daftar program dan STATUS. Pada daftar status, anda dapat melihat apakah program Module Windows XP selalu dijalankan ketika pertama kali Windows bekerja, atau secara otomatis bila dibutuhkan baru bekerja dan terakhir tidak dijalankan sama sekali (Disable)

Dibawah ini adalah daftar komponen Windows secara default diloading tetapi kemungkinan tidak diperlukan untuk beberapa kebutuhan (Sumber Techtree)

Computer Browser
Module ini untuk memonitor daftar dari computer yang terhubung kedalam jaringan Network. Module Computer Browser dapat dimatikan bila anda mengunakan computer dirumah tanpa terhubung dengan network / LAN.

Distributed Link Tracking Client
Module ini difungsikan untuk memonitor hubungan antar NTFS file didalam computer sendiri atau jaringn network dengan nama domain. Fungsi module ini hanya dibutuhkan bila seseorang membutuhkan link ke computer lain pada sebuah file. Tidak semua orang membutuhkan link dari dan ke computer anda untuk sebuah file dan anda dapat mematikan (Disable).

Error Reporting Service
Fungsi module Error Reporting Service adalah memberikan laporan bila Windows XP terganggu. Fungsi ini tidak berguna dan dapat di Disable.

Help and Support
Mendapatkan file support dengan menekan F1 untuk mengaktifkan. Apakah anda cukup sering melakukan dan membaca help file dari Windows ?, matikan fitur ini.

Indexing Service
Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers bertujuan untuk mempercepat access ke file dengan cara antiran secara flexibel. Service ini tidak dibutuhkan.

Net Logon
Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain. Bila anda terhubung dengan network dan sebuah domain. Fitur ini diperlukan, tetapi bila anda hanya mengunakan computer sendiri saja dan tidak memiliki domain. Fitur ini dapat dimatikan.

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
FItur ini untuk memberikan access ke computer anda melalui Netmeeting lewat jaringan Intranet. Jika anda tidak berkenan memberikan access kepada orang lain, khususnya dengan cara Remote ke computer anda. Sebaiknya fitur ini dimatikan.

Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Module ini untuk mencatat dan menyimpan daftar network konfigurasi serta informasi lokasi. Fungsi ini tidak membantu, dan dapat dimatikan.

Network Provisioning Service
Manages XML configuration files on a domain basis for automatic network provisioning. Tidak dibutuhkan untuk computer home dan sistem simple network. Fitur dapat dimatikan.

Performance Logs and Alerts
Fitur module untuk mencatat performa computer dan kegiatan lain yang dicatat pada sebuah file (Log file). Anda tidak perlu pusing dengan performa sistem Windows anda, matikan karena tidak banyak berguna untuk stand-alone.

Portable Media Serial Number Service
Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. Fungsi module ini tidak berguna dan hanya diperuntukan bagi Windows Media based/compatible (”PlaysForSure”) portable. Pemakai MP3 tidak membutuhkan fitur ini dan sebaiknya dimatikan.

Menyediakan pengiriman network signal dan kontrol pada local traffic. Fungsi module dengan konsep memberikan bandwidth lebih besar bagi kebutuhan aplikasi. Nyatanya fungsi ini tidak terlalu berdampak. Pilihan dapat dimatikan atau tetap digunakan.

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Manages and controls Remote Assistance. Belum diketahui fungsinya untuk apa, Remote Assistance bisa diterima. Atau tidak diperlukan dan dapat dimatikan.

Remote Registry
Memberikan otorisasi remote user memodifikasi registry pada sebuah computer. Sebaiknya dimatikan.

Security Center
Monitors system security settings and configurations.” Menampilkan Pop Up ketika firewall down, Anti virus telah out o date atau sistem Windows update sengaja dimatikan.
Bila anda selalu memonitor ke 3 fungsi diatas, fitur ini dapat dimatikan.Karena fungsi Security center hanya memonitor dan bukan mencegah dan lebih baik mengawasi langsung dari program pengaman anda.

Dukungan file server seperti printer, file untuk berbagi atau share didalam network. Bisa dibutuhkan bisa tidak, bila anda tidak melakukan share antar computer didalam network. Fitur ini dapat dimatikan.

Smart Card
Manages access to smart cards read by this computer. Anda mengunakan Smart Card pada computer anda. Bila tidak sebaiknya dimatikan.

SSDP Discovery Service
Enables discovery of UPnP devices on your home network.” Windows akan memonitor hardware lain dengan sistem Plug and Play. Fungsi ini dapat dimatikan bila anda tidak lagi menambah perangkat lain atau hardware yang anda gunakan adalah permanen. Tetapi bila anda mengunakan banyak hardware sebaiknya fitur ini tetap diaktifkan.

System Restore Service
Performs system restore functions. Windows dapat mengembalikan sistem Windows dengan melakukan restore bila set point backup dilakukan. Dengan mengaktifkan system restore akan lebih mudah mengembalikan Windows bila terjadi crash serta malfunction dan mengembalikan Windows XP ke waktu anda melakukan backup.
Ada pendapat, sistem restore tetap diaktifkan karena lebih cepat mengembalikan sistem Windows seperti set point terakhir. Sayangnya sistem ini mengambil space pada storage. Keuntungannya, anda dengan cepat dapat mengembalikan sistem WinXP yang bermasalah
Pilihannya adalah antara kebutuhan anda apakah mengunakan sistem restore untuk mengembalikan Windows dengan penentuan set point yang anda lakukan. Atau mematikan (Disable) tetapi dengan resiko, bila terjadi crash pada Windows anda harus mengulang menginstall kembali. Keuntungan, anda mendapat space storage lebih besar.

Provides user experience theme management support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution. Matikan bila anda tidak memerlukan NetBIOS untuk network.

Provides user experience theme management. Untuk alasan performa, seperti menampilkan interface Win2000. Fitur ini dapat dijalankan melalui Desktop Properti. Jadi tidak ada alasan module ini diload. Anda dapat mematikan fitur ini.

Uninterruptible Power Supply
Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer. Sudah jelas fungsinya bila anda mengunakan UPS memerlukan fungsi ini, fitur ini khusus hanya untuk UPS yang terhubung ke computer melalui COM port. Bila tidak, dapat mematikan.

Wireless Zero Configuration
Menyediakan fungsi otomatis untuk Wireless network adaptor. Bila anda tidak memiliki perangkat WIFI dapat dimatikan.

WMI Performance Adapter
Provides performance library information from WMI HiPerf providers. Tidak jelas untuk apa, dan dapat dimatikan.

Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers. Jika anda mengunakan sharing file didalam network, biarkan fungsi ini tetap bekerja. Bila anda tidak mengunakan fitur sharing dan computer anda berdiri sendiri / stand alone. Fitur ini dapat dimatikan dan tidak berdampak pada koneksi internet.

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